Please read carefully the following recommendations. They will help you to design your presentation.


Contributed papers will have 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions (15 minutes total).

Please rehearse your talk so you do leave time for questions.

As a help to the Chairman session, a student with a chronometer (and ligth signals) will let you know when you have three minutes to finish your presentation and be ready for questions.
As a courtesy to other presenters you cannot use more than 15 min for your presentation.

We need your presentation file (power point, pdf, please let us know if you will use other common format) at the latest by the AFTERNOON BEFORE the day of your presentation, if you present on Monday we need the file on Sunday. Please bring your file in a USB memory or CD to the registration desk. A preferred method is to sent your zipped presentation to Frantisek Sutara:

If you are using movies in your presentation please make sure that the corresponding files are also included and you are using a common animation player. Please verify that your figures, labels, text, color contrast, etc. are adequate to be seen from a distance of 25 meters. For any detail concerning your presentation please contact Dr. Frantisek Sutara.

Note: Use color combinations with high contrast. Avoid yellow in white, black in blue, etc.


Sessions will be held on the afternoons of Tuesday and Thursday.

The recommended maximum size is: width 90 cm, height 120 cm. Please avoid excessive text in your poster.

During the sessions, each poster must have a coauthor in front of it for discussion with the participants.

It is NOT allowed to use a copy of your manuscript as the poster.

You will identify your board by a label with the code of your abstract (code in the final program, you will be notified).  Please INCLUDE this code (for example, Tu-P27) in the upper left corner of your poster, use a large font for this label.

Please verify that figures, labels and text can be read from a distance of at least 2 meters.

Prepare your poster to be fixed with two-sided adhesive tape.

You may consider bringing letter or A4 size copies of your poster for distribution (by the way, this size is a good test to see if your poster will be legible).

All posters will be exhibited from Tuesday to Thursday.